Ana is an Akashic reader & spirit guide medium with 20 years experience who reads by connecting to her own spirit guides and the spirit guides of her clients, as well as by contacting the past and future aspects of her clients through the Akashic field. Messages are received by her through a mix of her abilities — advanced mediumship, visible clairvoyance, and tapping into the Akashic field which gives her access to an uninterrupted stream of information. She specializes in spiritual and self development, and removing karmic blocks which is what her sessions primarily focus on.

For All Readings Please Note: I will be contacting you through the email address that is associated with your PayPal account or for those without a PayPal account the email you provide during checkout. If this is not an email that you currently use or check often then please contact me at so that I will know how to reach you with instructions for your order. Thank you!

Aspect/Akashic Sessions

During my Akashic sessions rather than channeling your guides I will meet your aspects themselves. Though time appears to be happening linearly it is truly happening all at once, which means future or past versions of ourselves are always accessible. This is an extremely interactive type of session in which I will visibly see the energies of the aspect along with projected images of them, and key moments of their lifetime which they will describe to me in detail. Along with what I see I also feel their presence to the intensity of feeling the outline and movements of their body. Because of the extent that I feel/see them each aspect comes through with their full personality as they speak and I repeat the words, bringing more depth to the sessions.
When a lower aspect is met they typically speak about blocks that came from their lifetime, after which I clear them and you of those blocks and any other karma accumulated during the lifetime. When a higher aspect is met I activate them which removes any separation between you and them giving you access to all of their knowledge and gifts, and allowing them to guide you in the here and now. 

Single Aspect Clearing

In this session you will meet a lower aspect of yourself, this means an aspect of you that may have experienced trauma or caused trauma for others. This aspect of you will describe themselves, and discuss their lifetime in detail typically projecting vivid outward images that I can see. Keep in mind that often lower aspects have no understanding of where they are or what is happening at the beginning of a session, but by the end of the session they will be cleared of any karmic blocks affecting them and you in your current lifetime.
These sessions aren’t always the lightest to become aware of, but by clearing our heaviest karma we become free so that we can leave behind the burdens of the past and no longer be affected by them.

Single Aspect Clearing

Once I’ve received your order I will contact you through your paypal email address within 1-2 business days, and I will ask you for a recent picture of yourself along with a brief statement as to why you chose this session. Sessions will be posted privately to youtube within 14 days of receiving your information,

Single Aspect Activation

In this session you will meet a higher aspect of yourself that lived a lifetime displaying some of your highest qualities and/or abilities. This aspect of you will describe themselves, and discuss their lifetime in detail, typically projecting vivid outward images that I can see.
By the end of the session I will have activated the energies of this higher version of you so that all of their energies become available to you now in your current lifetime. This activation will also remove any separation between you and them so that you will have access to their guidance and abilities in your life.

Single Aspect Activation

Once I’ve received your order I will contact you through your paypal email address within 1-2 business days, and I will ask you for a recent picture of yourself along with a brief statement as to why you chose this session. Sessions will be posted privately to youtube within 14 days of receiving your information.

Lower Aspects Clearing Bundle

In this bundle you will meet one of your guides who will describe themselves in detail, and discuss certain blocks and/or soul themes within your past lifetimes, and some of the ways in which they currently affect you.
After this session we will meet lower aspects of you, this means aspects of you that may have experienced trauma or caused trauma for others. These aspects of you will describe themselves, and discuss their lifetimes in detail typically projecting vivid outward images that I can see. Keep in mind that often lower aspects have no understanding of where they are or what is happening at the beginning of a session, but by the end of the session they will be cleared of any karmic blocks affecting them and you in your current lifetime.
These sessions aren’t always the lightest to become aware of, but by clearing our heaviest karma we become free so that we can leave behind the burdens of the past and no longer be affected by them.

Lower Aspects Bundle

Once I’ve received your order I will contact you through your paypal email address within 1-2 business days, and I will ask you for a recent picture of yourself along with a brief statement as to why you chose this session. Sessions will be posted privately to youtube within 14 days of receiving your information.

Higher Aspects Activation Bundle

In this bundle you will meet one of your guides who will describe themselves in detail, and discuss certain qualities, gifts, and/or soul themes within your past lifetimes, and some of the ways in which you currently display them.
After this initial session you will meet higher aspects of yourself that lived lifetimes in which they displayed some of your highest qualities and/or abilities. These aspects of you will describe themselves, and discuss their lifetimes in detail, typically projecting vivid outward images that I can see.
By the end of these sessions I will have activated the energies of these higher versions of you so that all of their energies become available to you now in your current lifetime. These activations will also remove any separation between you and them so that you will have access to their guidance and abilities in your life.

Higher Aspects Bundle

Once I’ve received your order I will contact you through your paypal email address within 1-2 business days, and I will ask you for a recent picture of yourself along with a brief statement as to why you chose this session. Sessions will be posted privately to youtube within 14 days of receiving your information.

Witch Wound Aspects Bundle

In this bundle you will meet one of your guides who will describe themselves in detail, and discuss certain gifts, blocks, and/or soul themes within your past lifetimes, and some of the ways in which you currently display them.
After this initial session you will meet aspects of yourself carrying a witch wound. This means that during their lifetime they were either harmed or killed for speaking their truth or for displaying supernatural abilities. These aspects of you will describe themselves and discuss their lifetimes in detail, typically projecting vivid outward images that I can see.
By the end of these sessions I will have cleared the witch wounds, and activated the higher energies stored in these lifetimes making them available to you.
This bundle is very affective for removing fears and blocks related to your life’s purpose.

Witch Wound Bundle

Once I’ve received your order I will contact you through your paypal email address within 1-2 business days, and I will ask you for a recent picture of yourself along with a brief statement as to why you chose this session. Sessions will be posted privately to youtube within 14 days of receiving your information.

Starseed Aspects Bundle

In this bundle you will meet one of your guides who will describe themselves in detail, and discuss certain gifts, blocks, and/or soul themes within your past/future lifetimes, and some of the ways in which you currently display them.
After this initial session you will meet aspects of yourself living on other star systems. These aspects of you will describe themselves and discuss their lifetimes in detail, typically projecting vivid outward images that I can see.
By the end of these sessions I will have cleared and/or activated these lifetimes ridding them and you of heavy karma and/or bridging the gap between them and you so that you can receive their higher guidance and abilities in your current life.
This bundle gives you an opportunity to explore your star history, and unlock abilities developed during lifetimes on other planets.

Starseed Lifetimes Bundle

Once I’ve received your order I will contact you through your paypal email address within 1-2 business days, and I will ask you for a recent picture of yourself along with a brief statement as to why you chose this session. Sessions will be posted privately to youtube within 14 days of receiving your information.

Otherkin Aspects Bundle

In this bundle you will meet one of your guides who will describe themselves in detail, and discuss certain gifts, blocks, and/or soul themes within your past/future lifetimes, and some of the ways in which you currently display them.
After this initial session you will meet aspects of yourself living in other Earth dimensions (such as faery, elemental or other magical or mythical realms). These aspects of you will describe themselves and discuss their lifetimes in detail, typically projecting vivid outward images that I can see.
By the end of these sessions I will have cleared and/or activated these lifetimes ridding them and you of heavy karma and/or bridging the gap between them and you so that you can receive their higher guidance and abilities in your current life.
This bundle gives you an opportunity to explore a unique part of your soul’s history, and unlock abilities developed during lifetimes in other realms.

Otherkin Aspects Bundle

Once I’ve received your order I will contact you through your paypal email address within 1-2 business days, and I will ask you for a recent picture of yourself along with a brief statement as to why you chose this session. Sessions will be posted privately to youtube within 14 days of receiving your information.

Water-world Aspects Bundle

In this bundle you will meet one of your guides who will describe themselves in detail, and discuss certain gifts, blocks, and/or soul themes within your past/future lifetimes, and some of the ways in which you currently display them.
After this initial session you will meet aspects of yourself who lived in or were heavily influenced by water (such as Sirius or Atlantis). These aspects of you will describe themselves and discuss their lifetimes in detail, typically projecting vivid outward images that I can see.
By the end of these sessions I will have cleared and/or activated these lifetimes ridding them and you of heavy karma and/or bridging the gap between them and you so that you can receive their higher guidance and abilities in your current life.
This bundle gives you an opportunity to expand your understanding of your soul’s journey, and unlock abilities that the water gave you access to.

Water World Aspects Bundle

Once I’ve received your order I will contact you through your paypal email address within 1-2 business days, and I will ask you for a recent picture of yourself along with a brief statement as to why you chose this session. Sessions will be posted privately to youtube within 14 days of receiving your information.

Tragic Aspects Bundle

The heaviest karma to look at is often the most beneficial to clear.

In this bundle you will meet one of your guides who will describe themselves in detail, and discuss certain blocks and/or soul themes within your past lifetimes, and some of the ways in which they currently affect you.
After this session you will meet some of your heaviest lower aspects, this means aspects of you that may have experienced severe trauma or caused severe trauma for others (keep in mind that heavy topics could come up such as depression, addiction, suicide, etc). These aspects of you will describe themselves, and discuss their lifetimes in detail typically projecting vivid outward images that I can see. Keep in mind that often lower aspects have no understanding of where they are or what is happening at the beginning of a session, but by the end of the session they will be cleared of any karmic blocks affecting them and you in your current lifetime.
These sessions aren’t always the lightest to become aware of, but by clearing our heaviest karma we become free so that we can leave behind the burdens of the past and no longer be affected by them.

Tragic Aspects Bundle

Once I’ve received your order I will contact you through your paypal email address within 1-2 business days, and I will ask you for a recent picture of yourself along with a brief statement as to why you chose this session. Sessions will be posted privately to youtube within 14 days of receiving your information.

Spirit Guide Mediumship

During my Spirit Guide Mediumship sessions I will meet your guides in a powerful way. This is an extremely interactive type of session in which I will visibly see the energies of your guides along with projected images of them. Along with what I see I also feel their presence to the intensity of feeling the outline and movements of their body. Because of the extent that I feel/see them each guide comes through with their full personality as they speak and I repeat the words, bringing more depth to the sessions.

In-depth Introduction to a single guide

A single guide will introduce themselves at length, and discuss how they are helping you, and how you can better align with them. 

Meet a single guide

Once I’ve received your order I will contact you through your paypal email address within 1-2 business days, and I will ask you for a recent picture of yourself along with a brief statement as to why you chose this session. Sessions will be posted privately to youtube within 14 days of receiving your information.

In-depth Introduction to Your Guides

In this bundle 3 or 9 of your guides will introduce themselves at length, and discuss how they are helping you, and how you can better align with them, along with messages for your empowerment and growth. 

In-depth Guide Introduction

Once I’ve received your order I will contact you through your paypal email address within 1-2 business days, and I will ask you for a recent picture of yourself along with a brief statement as to why you chose this session. Sessions will be posted privately to youtube within 14 days of receiving your information.

Single Guide Infusion

I will connect with your guide, they will give a short introduction to their energy and how they can assist you, and then I will infuse their energy into your auric field. 

Single Guide Infusion

Once I’ve received your order I will contact you through your paypal email address within 1-2 business days, and I will ask you for a recent picture of yourself along with a brief statement as to why you chose this session. Sessions will be posted privately to youtube within 14 days of receiving your information.

Guide’s Journey

The more you get to know your guides the easier it becomes to communicate with them.

In this bundle 3 or 9 of your guides will discuss their own soul’s journey, how they came to be your guide, and their own unique soul history such as some of their lifetimes, soul themes, and karmic lessons. Many spiritual teachings come through during this type of session that will enrich your own soul, and enable you to connect with your guides better. 

Guide's Journey

Once I’ve received your order I will contact you through your paypal email address within 1-2 business days, and I will ask you for a recent picture of yourself along with a brief statement as to why you chose this session. Sessions will be posted privately to youtube within 14 days of receiving your information.

Entity Removal

During this session I target deeply rooted entities and thought forms causing blocks in your auric field and life, and remove them.

Entity Removal Session

Once I’ve received your order I will contact you through your paypal email address within 1-2 business days, and I will ask you for a recent picture of yourself along with a brief statement as to why you chose this session. Sessions will be posted privately to youtube within 14 days of receiving your information.

Crown Chakra Activation

A 2 hr activation to activate your crown chakra.

The Crown Chakra sits just above the top of the head, and enables you to receive downloads from higher realms, communications from your guides and spiritual helpers, and gives you access to new levels of enlightenment and cosmic understandings.

Crown Chakra Activation

Once I’ve received your order I will contact you through your paypal email address within 1-2 business days, and I will ask you for a recent picture of yourself along with a brief statement as to why you chose this session. Sessions will be posted privately to youtube within 14 days of receiving your information.

Third Eye Activation

A 2 hr activation to activate your third eye.

The third eye is well known for its psychic abilities such as clairvoyance (clear-seeing), clairaudience (clear-hearing), and claircognizance (clear-knowing) to name a few, but it is also a mental chakra which aids you in creating the vision for the life you want, and in understanding your purpose. By helping you hold the vision for the things you desire, it is the first step to manifesting them.

Third Eye Activation

Once I’ve received your order I will contact you through your paypal email address within 1-2 business days, and I will ask you for a recent picture of yourself along with a brief statement as to why you chose this session. Sessions will be posted privately to youtube within 14 days of receiving your information.

Mediumistic readings and services are not a replacement for trained medical advice or other forms of professional advice. For medical diagnosis and treatment you should see a doctor. Additionally, readings offer suggestions based off your current energy alignment only. Ana does not assume any responsibility for the choices that you make subsequent to her readings.